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Friday, February 13, 2009

This college professor
obtained consecrated Hosts

. . . pierced them with a rusty nail . . . and then
threw them into a garbage can with coffee grounds
and a banana peel!

Click here to donate now

Dear Friend of Catholic Answers,

I don’t like using the phrase “make your blood boil.” But the story I’m about to tell you will probably do just that.

It’s about a Minnesota college professor named P. Z. Myers who is an outspoken atheist and a member of a loose-knit group of writers called the “New Atheists.”

One day last year, Myers heard about a college student in Florida who got into trouble for desecrating a consecrated Host. The student went to Mass . . . took Holy Communion . . . and then carried the Host home with him even after the faithful present at Mass saw what he was doing and begged him not to.

When Myers heard about this incident, he decided that he too should desecrate some Hosts in order to show his utter contempt for the Catholic faith and our core sacrament.

So he advertised on the Internet that he would like people to send him consecrated Hosts that he would then proceed to desecrate. He promised to treat the Hosts “with profound disrespect and heinous cracker abuse.”

He received multiple Hosts in the mail. Then he proceeded to take the Hosts . . . pierce them with a rusty nail . . .

And Then He Threw the Hosts into His Garbage Can
with Coffee Grounds and a Banana Peel!

Not only that, but he took pictures of the whole travesty and posted them on the Internet for all the world to see.

He made headlines, which is exactly what he was after.

Now he’s a hero among the small but smug group of angry atheists who are attacking the Catholic faith like never before.

As I mentioned, they’re called the “New Atheists”—even though there’s really nothing new about their atheism nor their arguments against the existence of God.

The only thing remotely new about them is their deliberately offensive, hateful, and disrespectful method of attacking the faith and the faithful. (All in the name of science and reason, of course.)

Normally I wouldn’t give these rabble-rousers the time of day.

Trouble is, they’re making headlines and getting people by the millions to listen to their screed.

And that’s why I’m writing to you today.

To put it simply, the New Atheists are growing in their influence.

No longer are they merely preaching to their own choir of angry atheists.

Now they have a worldwide pulpit—thanks to publicity stunts like P. Z. Myers desecrating the Blessed Sacrament.

Furthermore, these New Atheists are using their scientific credentials and university platforms to write books that the liberal media can’t praise highly enough. The New York Times fell all over itself when it recommended the books that these New Atheists have written.

For example, the #1 New Atheist book comes from a biology professor at Oxford University named Richard Dawkins. It’s titled The God Delusion.

Because of the sycophantic promotion given to this book by the media, this book has sold nearly 2 million copies.

To make matters worse . . . Catholics are reading this book and being taken in by the author’s deceptive arguments.

To counter this, our staff recently prepared a concise but hard-hitting special report that tackles the New Atheists head-on.

As we customarily do, we want to get this special report distributed as widely as possible to Catholics who need this information.

Our report is titled “An Antidote to Atheism”—and it could be exactly what the average Catholic needs so that he won’t fall prey to the arguments of the “New Atheists.”

Charlatans Who Haven’t Done Their Homework

When you read this report, you’ll see that the New Atheists are charlatans. They purport to be experts on the subjects of philosophy and theology, but it’s obvious that they haven’t bothered to do their homework.

For instance, they attack St. Thomas Aquinas and his proofs for the existence of God, which are briefly stated in one article in the Summa Theologaie.

Yet it’s clear that the New Atheists didn’t bother to read Aquinas’s in-depth treatment of the subject in his other important work, the Summa Contra Gentiles, where he blows atheism completely out of the water!

This kind of selective argumentation—as well as deliberate misrepresentation of Catholic philosophy and theology—is a hallmark of the New Atheists.

Not only that, but they’re claiming to be experts in areas that are far out of their fields.

Richard Dawkins, for example, is an evolutionary biologist. So is P. Z. Myers.

Another leading New Atheist author, Christopher Hitchens, is a journalist and literary critic.

A fourth, Sam Harris, is an author and pop psychologist.

Not one of them has a doctorate in philosophy or theology.

To a Trained Philosopher or Theologian,
These New Atheists Are a Sad Joke

Their books and Internet rants proudly display their ignorance, but few people have the education necessary to detect the errors.

And since the New York Times, CNN, and NPR can’t stop gushing over these “brilliant” New Atheists, the average person takes the bait . . . reads the books . . . and may lose his faith.

Well, were not going to stand by and let that happen.

Our mission at Catholic Answers is to defend the Catholic faith at all times and from all threats.

Therefore, we are now committing resources to fighting the New Atheists—and we need your help to do it.

To print and widely distribute our new report, An Antidote to Atheism, will be quite expensive. We’re estimating anywhere from $45,000 to $50,000.

Unfortunately, we simply don’t have on hand the money to launch this new project.

And so, I must turn to you once again and seek your generosity.

Therefore, I’m hoping you’ll be able to say “yes” to my plea and send us a sacrificial gift of $50 or $100 right away. Click here to donate now!

That’s what it will take to get the ball rolling.

Otherwise, this powerful report will be forced to sit idly on a shelf, waiting for enough funding to come along and send it into the battle where it’s so urgently needed.

Won’t you help us send this report out there—and get it into the hands and minds of our fellow Catholics?

For your gift of $35 or more, we will send you a copy of An Antidote to Atheism. If your gift is $50 or more, we will send you 5 copies of the report to distribute to family and friends!

Click here to make your donation to this very important project.

Thank you, and may God bless your holy desire to defend the faith.

Sincerely yours,

Karl Keating

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