The BEATITUDES...Bro. David Henz Mejia, Bro. Butch Pascual, Sis. Kareen Ann Rodriguez, Sis. Roxane Sumaya, Sis. Frecian May Suyom, Sis. Shalyn Pascual, Sis. Shiela Hornido(not in the picture)


jULY 14, 2011


NEWLY COMMISSIONED Full pledge Members for Life...Bro. Justin Cadungog, Sis. Alma Urgel, Sis. Ophelia Cortez, Sis. Grace Kandog, Sis. Haynee Baya, Sis. Graziella Cajeta, Sis. Emelyn Castillon, Sis. Yannie Rose Nisnisan, Sis. Joanna Etic


Ready to Make a Difference...

PROUD TO BE A CHSG-ian!!!!!!!!!

Let's Go and Make a Difference!!!

Let Jesus' love shine on...

Thursday, March 29, 2012

An Examination of Conscience and the Form for Confession...
"The young children must be taken by their parents to the temples--the Houses of My Son--throughout your world. They must learn by habit a good example of cleansing of their soul by confession. The good priests of earth, those who have been dedicated and received this consecration from My Son, must take these tender souls and nurture them in their Faith." - Our Lady of the Roses, November 20, 1975
Prior to confession, as well as each day in our life, we should compare our lives with the Ten Commandments.  Only through sincere examination can we identify our faults and know what we must confess and where we must strive to live more as Christ would have us live.
First - I am the Lord thy God.  Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.
* Do I give God time every day in prayer?
* Do I seek to love Him with my whole heart?
* Have I been involved with superstitious practices or have I been involved with the occult?
* Do I seek to surrender myself to God’s Word as taught by the Church?
* Have I ever received Communion in a state of mortal sin?
* Have I ever deliberately told a lie in confession or have I withheld a mortal sin from the priest in confession?
* Have I been guilty of great irreverence in church?
* Excessive talking, immodest dress, talking on the phone, loud calling out.
* Have I kept the one hour Eucharistic Fast?
Second - Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
* Have I used God’s name in vain: lightly or carelessly?
* Have I been angry with God?
* Have I wished evil upon another person?
* Have I insulted a sacred person or abused a sacred object?
Third - Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day.
* Have I deliberately missed Mass on Sundays or Holy Days of Obligation?
* Have I tried to observe Sunday as a family day and a day of rest?
* Do I do needless work on Sunday?
* Have I made others miss Mass on Sundays or Holy Days of obligation, leave early or be late for Mass?
http://www.tldm.org/news6/confessional.jpg* Have I been willfully distracted during Mass?

Fourth - Honor thy Father and thy Mother.
* Do I honor and obey my parents?
* Have I neglected my duties to my spouse and children?
* Have I given my family, my children, good religious example and training?
* Do I try to bring peace into my home life?
* Do I care for my aged and infirm parents and relatives?
* Do I respect my parents
* Am I obedient to my parents

Fifth - Thou shall not kill.
* Have I had an abortion or encouraged anyone to have an abortion? Or used pills such as the morning after pill?
* Have I physically harmed anyone?
* Have I abused alcohol or drugs?  Driven while under the influence of these?
* Did I give scandal to anyone, thereby leading them into sin?
* Have I been angry or resentful?
* Hove I harbored hatred in my heart?
* Have I mutilated myself through any form of sterilization?
* Have I encouraged or condoned sterilization?
* Have I abused myself through gluttony
* Have I harbored a grudge against anyone
* Have I sought to destroy someone’s reputation
* Have I mutilated my body in any way

Sixth - Thou shalt not commit adultery.
* Have I been faithful to my marriage vows in thought and action?
* Have I treated my wife with respect and dignity?
* Have I directed my husband to do what is right?
* Have I engaged in any sexual activity outside of marriage?
* Have I used any method of contraception or artificial birth control in my marriage?
* Has each sexual act in my marriage been open to the transmission of new life?
* Have I been guilty of masturbation?
* Have I sought to control my thoughts?
* Have I respected all members of the opposite sex, or have I thought of other people as objects?
* Have in engaged in impure conversations or joke telling?
* Have I deliberately looked at indecent images?
* Have I used pornographic or soft pornographic material?
* Have I been guilty of any homosexual activity?
* Do I seek to be chaste in my thoughts, words and actions?
* Am I careful to dress modestly?

Seventh - Thou shalt not steal.
* Have I stolen what is not mine?
* Have I returned or made restitution for what I have stolen?
* Do I waste time at work, school or at home?
* Do I gamble excessively, thereby denying my family of their needs?
* Do I pay my debts promptly?
* Do I seek to share what I have with the poor?
* Have I cheated my employers?
* Have I cheated my employees.
* Do I pay them a fair wage and treat them fairly?
* Have I run my business ethically and charged a fair price?
* Have I made an unfair profit?
* Are my workers and suppliers treated fairly?
* Have I spent money lavishly, or saved an amount more than I’ll ever need while many die of starvation?

Eighth - Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
* Have I lied?
* Have I gossiped?
* Have I spoken behind someone else’s back?
* Am I sincere in my dealings with others?
* Am I critical, negative or uncharitable in my thoughts of others?
* Do I keep secret what should be kept confidential?

Ninth - Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.
* Have I consented to impure thoughts?
* Have I caused them by impure reading, movies, conversations or curiosity?
* Do I seek to control my imagination?
* Do I pray at once to banish impure thoughts and temptations?

Tenth - Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.
* Am I jealous of what other people have?
* Do I envy the families or possessions of others?
* Am I greedy or selfish?
* Are material possessions the purpose of my life? *Do I spend a majority of my time concerned with wealth accumulation?
* Do I trust that God will care for all of my material and spiritual needs?
The Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy
Have I neglected to do the following when circumstances obliged me:

The Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy
1. To admonish sinners.
2. To instruct the ignorant.
3. To counsel the doubtful.
4. To comfort the sorrowful.
5. To bear wrongs patiently.
6. To forgive all injuries.
7. To pray for the living and the dead?

The Seven Corporal Works of Mercy
1. To feed the hungry.
2. To give drink to the thirsty.
3. To clothe the naked.
4. To visit and ransom the captives.
5. To harbor the harborless.
6. To visit the sick.
7. To bury the dead

The Seven Deadly Sins and the Opposite Virtues
1. Pride -- Humility
2. Covetousness -- Liberality
3. Lust-- Chastity
4. Anger -- Meekness
5. Gluttony -- Temperance
6. Envy -- Brotherly love
7. Sloth -- Diligence

Five Effects of Pride
1. Vainglory:  a. Boasting  b. Dissimulation / Duplicity
2. Ambition
3. Contempt for others
4. Anger! Revenge / Resentment
5. Stubbornness! Obstinacy.

Nine Ways of Being an Accessory to Another’s Sin
a. Have I knowingly caused others to sin?
b. Have I cooperated in the sins of others:
1. By counsel.
2. By command.
3. By consent.
4. By provocation.
5. By praise or flattery.
6. By concealment.
7. By partaking.
8. By silence.
9. By defense of the ill done?

The Four Sins which Cry to Heaven for Vengeance
1. Willful Murder.
2. The sin of Sodomy or Lesbianism.
3. Oppression of the poor.
4. Defrauding the laborer of his just wages.

Divine Mercy Novena Prayers Start on Good Friday...

From 1931 to 1938 Our Lord revealed the secrets of His great mercy to St. Faustina.  He designated the first Sunday after Easter as the Feast of the Divine Mercy of God. In preparation of this Feast, He asked that a Novena be started on Good Friday, a Novena which asks for prayers each of the nine days for a different group of souls in order to immerse them in the sea of God’s Mercy!  Mass, Confession, Communion are required on Mercy Sunday, the first Sunday after Easter. Our Lord promised to the souls who follow these requests a complete remission of sin and punishment!  Our Lord thus instructed Sister Faustina: “My daughter, speak to the whole world of My incomprehensible Mercy.  I desire that the Feast be a refuge and a shelter for all souls, especially for poor sinners.  The very depths of My Mercy will be opened on that day.  I will pour out a sea of graces upon those souls that will approach the font of My Mercy.  Those who go to confession and receive Holy Communion on Mercy Sunday, the first Sunday after Easter, will obtain complete remission of sins and punishment.  Let no soul fear to come to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet.  Tell ailing mankind to draw close to My Merciful Heart and I will fill it with peace.  Mankind will not find peace until it turns with confidence to My Mercy.”

The Novena to the Mercy of God Prayers...

FIRST DAY - Good Friday, April 6, 2012
Let us pray that God may deign to show His Mercy to all mankind.
O Most Merciful Jesus, for Whom it its most proper to be merciful unto us and to forgive us, look not upon our sins, but upon the hope which we have in Thy infinite goodness. Receive us all into the abode of Thy Most Merciful Heart and do not permit anyone to depart there from for all eternity for the love which unites Thee with the Father and the Holy Spirit. “Show us Thy mercy, O Lord, just as we trust in Thy Holy Name, for Thou art all powerful, most kind, patient, faithful, good and merciful.”  Eternal Father, view all mankind with a merciful eye, and especially the poor sinners, whose only hope is the Most Merciful Heart of Thy Son and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Through His sorrowful Passion stretch Thy mercy over us, that together we may glorify Thy omnipotence for all eternity. Amen.  Our Father .... Hail Mary .... Glory be to the Father ....

SECOND DAY - Holy Saturday, April 7, 2012
Let us pray for the clergy of all ranks, through whom the Mercy of God is poured out on all mankind.
Most Merciful Jesus, from Whom all good proceeds, increase Thy graces in the souls of Thy priests and religious, that they may worthily and fruitfully accomplish their tasks in Thy Vineyard, and that they may lead all by words and example to a rightful cult of Divine Mercy for all eternity.  The Font of Mercy and Love Divine Resides in the hearts of the humble and the innocent, Till, bathed in the wavelets of God’s Mercy, They sparkle like the stars and the morning dew.  Eternal Father, cast Thy Merciful glance upon the laborers in Thy Vineyard—on the souls of priests, nuns and brothers, who are the special beloved of Thy Son and Our Lord Jesus Christ.  Adorn them with the power of Thy blessing and grant them special light, that they may consistently lead others along the path of salvation and may obtain for them all the graces of Thy Mercy. Amen.  Our Father ... Hail Mary .... Glory be to the Father ....

THIRD DAY- Easter Sunday, April 8, 2012
Let us pray for all the faithful Christians.
O most Merciful Jesus, who dost bestow Thy graces upon all in abundance from the treasure of Thy Mercy, receive all faithful Christians into the abode of Thy Most Merciful Heart and do not abandon them for all eternity. We beg this of Thee through the love that unites Thee to the Father and the Holy Ghost.  The marvels of Mercy are unexplored, Nor sinner nor just can plumb it’s deep.  God views us all with Mercy’s eye.  And of His love would have us reap.   Eternal Father, cast Thy Merciful Eye upon the souls of the faithful, who are the loving heritage of Thy Son, and through His sorrowful Passion grant them Thy blessings and encompass them with Thy unceasing care, that they may never lose their love and treasure of divine faith, but that they may glorify Thy boundless Mercy with the multitude of angels and saints for all eternity. Amen.  Our Father .... Hail Mary .... Glory be to the Father ...

FOURTH DAY- Easter Monday, April 9, 2012
Let us pray for pagans and infidels who are still in ignorance of the Mercy of God.
Most Merciful Jesus, light of the world, receive into the abode of Thy Merciful Heart the souls of pagans and infidels who have not yet acknowledged Thee. Let the rays of Thy grace enlighten them, that they too may praise the wonders of Thy Mercy with us for all eternity.  May the light of Thy boundless Love Enlighten the darkling infidels.  May they acknowledge and may they praise Thy goodness for all eternity!  Eternal Father, cast Thy Merciful glance upon the souls of pagans and infidels, who still remain in ignorance of the Most Merciful Heart of Thy Son and Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Draw them near to the light of Thy Gospel that they may recognize how great a happiness it is to love Thee and to glorify Thy Mercy for all eternity. Amen.  Our Father .... Hail Mary .... Glory be to the Father ....

FIFTH DAY - Easter Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Let us pray for heretics and schismatics, who rend the Mystical body of Christ, that they may return to the unity of the Church.
O Most Merciful Jesus, who are goodness itself and who dost not refuse divine light to those who humbly seek, receive into the abode of Thy Most Merciful Heart the souls of heretics and schismatics. Attract them by Thy light into unity with Thy Church, that they may praise the liberality of Thy Mercy with us for all eternity.  May those who have rent the cloak of Thy unity Draw from Thy Heart a surging torrent of Mercy.  For Thy Mercy alone, O Lord, Can lead these souls out of error.  Eternal Father, look down with Mercy, we implore Thee, upon the souls of heretics and schismatics, who have abused and squandered Thy graces and who stubbornly persist in their errors: look not upon their evil, but upon the love and the bitter Passion of Thy Son, who, about to suffer His Passion, so ardently begs of Thee: “That they all may be one” (John 17,21) -- and grant, that they may return to that unity as quickly as possible and that they may praise Thy Mercy with us for all eternity. Amen.  Our Father .... Hail Mary .... Glory be to the Father ....

SIXTH DAY - Easter Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Let us pray for little children and those souls, that have become like to them in their purity and simplicity.
Most Merciful Jesus, Who hast said: “Learn of me, for I am meek and humble of heart” (Math. 11,29), receive into the abode of Thy Most Merciful Heart the souls of little children, and those who, like little children, have become meek and humble and have thereby graced heaven with the most pleasant delight and are a fragrant crown before the throne of Thy Heavenly Father. Grant that they may constantly dwell within Thy Sacred Heart and may continually praise the Mercy of God.  A truly humble soul and meek Foretaste on earth the bliss of Paradise:  The odor of a chaste and simple heart Delights all heavenly spirits and their Maker.  Eternal Father, look down with Mercy upon the souls of little children and upon the souls of all those who are meek and humble and who have thereby become especially like unto Thy Son, and the fragrance of whose virtues rises up to Thy throne. O Father of Mercy, we beg of Thee, through the love and the delight which Thou hast in these souls, bless the entire world that all may unite in rendering eternal praise to Thy Mercy. Amen.  Our Father .... Hail Mary .... Glory be to the Father ....

SEVENTH DAY - Easter Thursday, April 12, 2012
Let us pray for all adorers of Divine Mercy, that they may become the living image of the most Merciful Heart of Jesus.
O Most Merciful Jesus, Whose Heart is love itself, receive into the abode of Thy Heart those souls which especially venerate and give praise to the greatness of Divine Mercy and which, though cruelly tormented for the sins of mankind, strive to make known Thy infinite goodness and abundant mercy to the entire world, Enfold them with Thy ever increasing Mercy and strengthen them always with the grace of perseverance, fortitude and patience.  Praising the goodness of its Master, The soul is especially loved by Him; It is privileged to stand close to the living font To draw continual graces from Divine Mercy.  Eternal Father, cast Thy Merciful Eye upon those souls which are especially devoted to the veneration and praise of Thy infinite Mercy and which glorify Thee by word and deed and are merciful towards their fellowmen in imitation of Thee. We humbly beseech Thee, show them even grater mercy according to the hope which they placed in Thee and in accordance with Thy promises. Protect them always and especially in the hour of death. Amen.  Our Father .... Hail Mary .... Glory be to the Father ....

EIGHTH DAY- Easter Friday, April 13, 2012
Let us pray for the souls in purgatory, that the stream of Christ’s Blood may diminish and shorten their suffering.
Most Merciful Jesus, Who hast said: “Be merciful, as your Heavenly Father is merciful” (Luke 6,36): receive into the abode of Thy Most Merciful Heart the souls suffering in purgatory to pay their old debt to Divine Justice. May the stream of blood and water which gushed forth from Thy Heart quench the flames of purgatorial fire, that there too the power of Thy mercy may be glorified.  From the horrible heat of purgatory’s fire A suppliant sigh seeks Thy Mercy’s throne.  Grant these souls a cooling, solace and relief In the soothing stream of blood and water from Thy Side.  Eternal Father, look down with mercy upon the suffering souls in purgatory and through the sorrowful passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the bitterness with which His Most Sacred Heart was filled, show pity to those who are now paying their debt to Thy justice. We beg of Thee, behold them through the wounds of Thy Most Beloved Son and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, whose mercy surpasses His justices. Amen.  Our Father .... Hail Mary .... Glory be to the Father ....

NINTH DAY - Easter Saturday, April 14, 2012
Let us pray for lukewarm and indifferent souls.
O Most Merciful Jesus, lead into the abode of Thy Most Merciful Heart all lukewarm souls, which like decaying corpses filled Thee with aversion and loathing in the Garden of Olives. Plunge them into the fire of Thy most pure love, that they may become inflamed with an ever increasing fire of love and may ever praise Thy boundless Mercy.  Fire and ice will never unite: Either the fire must die or the ice must vanish.  Only the fathomless Mercy of God Can change the ice of tepid hearts into a flame.  Eternal Father, cast Thy merciful glance upon lukewarm souls. We beseech Thee through the bitter passion of Thy Most Beloved Son and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and through His agony upon the Cross, inflame these souls with a new zeal for Thy glory and pour a true love into their hearts.  Thus quickened may they perform deeds of mercy and may they glorify the Mercy of God for all eternity. Amen.  Our Father .... Hail Mary .... Glory be to the Father ....

TENTH DAY - Mercy Sunday, April 15, 2012
Go to confession, attend Mass, and receive Holy Communion and all your sins for your whole life will be forgiven and the punishment due to them will be wiped away.