Angels in Christianity
Angels were embraced by Christianity like no religion before it, Throughout the Bible we find it repeatedly implied that each individual soul has its tutelary angel. Thus Abraham, when sending his steward to seek a wife for Isaac, says: "He will send His angel before thee" (Genesis 24:7). The words of the ninetieth Psalm which the devil quoted to our Lord (Matt., iv, 6) are well known, and Judith accounts for her heroic deed by saying: "As the Lord liveth, His angel hath been my keeper" (xiii, 20). These passages and many like them (Gen., xvi, 6-32; Osee, xii, 4; III K., xix, 5; Acts, xii, 7; Ps., xxxiii, 8), though they will not of themselves demonstrate the doctrine that every individual has his appointed guardian angel, receive their complement in our Saviour's words: "See that you despise not on of these little ones; for I say to you that their angels in Heaven always see the face of My Father Who is in Heaven" (Matt, xviii, 10), words which illustrate the remark of St. Augustine: "What lies hidden in the Old Testament, is made manifest in the New". Indeed, the book of Tobias seems intended to teach this truth more than any other, and St. Jerome in his commentary on the above words of our Lord says: "The dignity of a soul is so great, that each has a guardian angel from its birth." The general doctrine that the angels are our appointed guardians is considered to be a point of faith, but that each individual member of the human race has his own individual guardian angel is not of faith (de fide); the view has, however, such strong support from the Doctors of the Church that it would be rash to deny it (cf. St. Jerome, supra). Peter the Lombard (Sentences, lib. II, dist. xi) was inclined to think that one angel had charge of several individual human beings. St. Bernard's beautiful homilies (11-14) on the ninetieth Psalm breathe the spirit of the Church without however deciding the question. The Bible represents the angels not only as our guardians, but also as actually interceding for us. "The angel Raphael (Tob., xii, 12) says: "I offered thy prayer to the Lord" (cf. Job, v, 1 (Septuagint), and 33:23 (Vulgate); Apocalypse 8:4). The Catholic cult of the angels is thus thoroughly scriptural. Perhaps the earliest explicit declaration of it is to be found in St. Ambrose's words: "We should pray to the angels who are given to us as guardians" (De Viduis, ix); (cf. St. Aug., Contra Faustum, xx, 21). An undue cult of angels was reprobated by St. Paul (Col., ii, 18), and that such a tendency long remained in the same district is evidenced by Canon 35 of the Synod of Laodicea.
The love of angels came from the people and not the church fathers. In the middle Ages, there was an "Angel mania" with countless sightings of angels and saints. At this time there was a great acceptance of the idea of “visions”, especially in England and France. People obsessed by angels would have countless visions of angels appearing to them and giving them advice. But people soon became disillusioned by all the sightings along with the false sightings reported.
Today in the Christian countries of the West, people are again becoming more conscious of angels. They are exploring their spirituality and questioning beliefs they were raised with. They are turning to a more loving and accepting concept of religion and the thought of a "Higher Being" or "Light" that watches over us all, regardless of religion or beliefs.
Dionysius Hierarchy of Angels
Nine Celestial Orders of Angels
First order: Closest in order to God
Keter - Crown Divine Plan/ Creator The guardians before God's throne, referred to as "the fiery spirits", they are usually pictured with six wings and flames. They constantly sing God's praise and regulate heaven. They are colored a flaming red and gold to symbolize fire. God's grace flows through the seraphim to the angels below, dispelling darkness and purifying the universe. It was from this order that Satan emerged. Before his fall from Grace, he was considered the angel who outshone all others. Seraphim's are the highest order of angels.
Chokmah -
Divine Reality/revelation Gods record keepers and guardians of God's glory. Over the years Cherubims have undergone radical transformations from the Assyrian leonine-monster guardian to the winged creature of the Old Testament to a chubby baby with blue wings which appeared in the 1600s. Originally, Cherubims were depicted with multi-eyed peacock's feathers to symbolize their all-knowing character. The first angels mentioned in the bible, God placed the Cherubim at the east of the Garden of Eden to guard the way to the Tree of Life. They are the charioteers of God and bearers of his throne.
Binah - Understanding/ repentance/ reason Referred to as "the many eyed ones", portrayed as winged wheels within wheels, whose rims were covered in eyes. They support the Throne of God and consider how God's decisions should be manifested. Their mission is to bring judgment for individual karma and society as a whole.
Second order: Priest-Princes of the court of heaven
Chesed - Mercy/ Grace/ Love of (intention to emulate) God These are the Angels who bring you the teachings of intuition. Through them the majesty of God is manifested. They carry scepter and sword to symbolize the given power over all creation and decide what needs to be done to accomplish God's needs and regulate the duties of angels to ensure the universe keeps working as it should. They appear in human shape, wearing a triple crown to signify their position over the physical form. They can be seen carrying a scepter, holding a cross and/or a sword to symbolize the balance between the active and passive forces.
Gevurah - Judgment/ strength/ determination Drawing on God's force to work miracles on earth, the "brilliant" or "shining ones" are the angels of miracles, encouragement and blessings. Virtues are the ones who become involved whenever people are struggling with their faith. They have four blue feathered wings and war sparkling armor. They can often be seen with a scepter, axe spear, sword and/or a shield for protection. But each of these "tools" are decorated with instruments of passion. They work hand-in-hand with the Thrones to bestow grace and rewards on those who have overcome deeds in their physical lives.
Tipheret - Symmetry/ balance/ compassion First order of angels created by God, it is the job of the Powers to prevent the fallen angels from taking over the world and keep the universe in balance. They also bring the power of intellect in such matters as math, geometry, astronomy and so on, making them the professors and educators.
Third order: The Ministering Angels
Netzach - Contemplation/ Initiative/ persistence The protectors of religions, guardian angels of cities, nations, rulers. They keep watch over nations and attempt to inspire their leaders to make wise decisions. Often depicted wearing soldier's garb and sandals, they are seen in human form. They provide strength to the tribes of Earth to pursue and endure their faith.
Hod - Surrender/ sincerity/ steadfastness The "chief-angels", they carry God's messages to humans and command God's armies of angels in constant battle with the "Sons of Darkness". They look after the affairs of humankind and act as guardian angels to leaders of world movements. These are the Angels who stand around God's throne, ready to carry out the divine and most important decrees to humans. According to the book of Revelation, there are seven archangels who stand in the presence of God, but only four are mentioned in the Old Testament, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel. The identity of the other three is subject to debate. The three recognized in the Judeo-Christian belief are Raguel, Jophiel and Chamuel. Other possible candidates are Ariel, Azrael, Camael, Haniel, Jeremiel, Metetron, Raziel, Sandalphon and Zadkiel.
Yesod - Foundation/ wholly remembering/ coherent knowledge Celestial beings closest to humans, Angels are the intermediaries between God and mortals. Assigned by God to every human being at the time of his or her birth, they assist every aspect of life in the universe. They deal with the aspects of everyday life and act as the direct gateway for information, knowledge and communications between human kind and the God force. These angels are seen with human bodies, wings and clothed in various garments depending on the traditions and visual acceptance of the human they have "been assigned to". In reality, Angels do not have human bodies, wings or clothing, they are made up of energy and love. The only thing Angels do not help humans do is destroy themselves, the planet and other human beings, they are always a force for all that is positive, good and true.
There is a problem with the way one have to pronounce the names as in Hebrew there are Vowel Points instead of letters for the preannounce the word, another problem came from the fact that there are some letters that aren't exist in Latin or English. This fact is the cause of many way in writing the names in other languages than Hebrew !
Here are 3 versions of the 72 names in English letters. ( there are more )
Bardon Agrippa Abulafia
1 Vehu-iah Vehu-jah Vaheva[-yah]
2 Jeli-el Jeli-el Yolayo[-el]
3 Sita-el Sita-el Sayote[-el]
4 Elem-iah Elem-jah Ealame[-yah]
5 Mahas-iah Mahas-jah Meheshi[-yah]
6 Lelah-el Lelah-el Lalahe[-el]
7 Acha-iah Acha-jah Aacahe[-yah]
8 Kahet-el Cahet-el Cahetha[-el]
9 Azi-el Hazi-el Hezayo[-el]
10 Alad-iah Alad-jah Aalada[-yah]
11 Lauv-iah Lavi-jah Laaava[-yah]
12 Haha-iah Haha-jah Heheea[-yah]
13 Jezal-el Jezal-el Yozala[-el]
14 Mebah-el Mebah-el Mebehe[-el]
15 Hari-el Hari-el Hereyo[-el]
16 Hakam-iah Hakam-jah Heqome[-yah]
17 Lano-iah Leav-jah Laaava[-yah]
18 Kali-el Cali-el Calayo[-el]
19 Leuv-iah Levu-jah Lavava[-yah]
20 Pahal-iah Pahal-iah Pehela[-yah]
21 Neleka-el Nelcha-el Nulaca[-el]
22 Jeiai-el Jeii-el Yoyoyo[-el]
23 Melah-el Melah-el Melahe[-el]
24 Hahu-iah Hahvi-ja Cheheva[-yah]
25 Nith-Ha-iah Nitha-jah Nuthahe[-yah]
26 Haa-iah Haa-jah Heaaaa[-yah]
27 Jerath-el Jerath-el Yoretha[-el]
28 See-iah See-jah Shiaahe[-yah]
29 Reii-el Reii-el Reyoyo[-el]
30 Oma-el Oma-el Aavame[-el]
31 Lekab-el Lecab-el Lacabe[-el]
32 Vasar-iah Vasar-jah Vashire[-yah]
33 Jehu-iah Jehu-jah Yocheva[-yah]
34 Lahab-iah Lehah-jah Laheche[-yah]
35 Kevak-iah Cavac-jah Cavako[-yah]
36 Menad-el Manad-el Menuda[-el]
37 Ani-el Ani-el Aanuyo[-el]
38 Haam-iah Haam-jah Heeame[-yah]
39 Reha-el Reha-el Reheea[-el]
40 Ieiaz-el Jeiaz-el Yoyoza[-el]
41 Hahah-el Haha-el Hehehe[-el]
42 Mika-el Mica-El Meyoca[-el]
43 Veubi-ah Veval-jah Vavala[-yah]
44 Ielah-iah Jelah-jah Yolahe[-yah]
45 Seal-iah Saal-jah Saaala[-yah]
46 Ari-el Ari-el Eareyo[-el]
47 Asal-iah Asal-jah Eashila[-yah]
48 Miha-el Miha-el Meyohe[-el]
49 Vehu-el Vehu-el Vaheva[-el]
50 Dani-el Dani-el Danuyo[-el]
51 Hahas-iah Hahas-jah Hecheshi[-yah]
52 Imam-iah Imam-jah Eameme[-yah]
53 Nana-el Nana-el Nunuaa[-el]
54 Nitha-el Nitha-el Nuyotha[-el]
55 Meba-iah Mebah-jah Mebehe[-yah]
56 Poi-El Poi-El Pevayo[-el]
57 Nemam-iah Nemam-jah Numeme[-yah]
58 Jeial-el Jeiali-el Yoyola[-el]
59 Harah-el Harah-el Hereche[-el]
60 Mizra-el Mizra-el Mezare[-el]
61 Umab-el Umab-el Vamebe[-el]
62 Jah-H-el Jahh-el Yohehe[-el]
63 Anianu-el Anav-el Eanuva[-el]
64 Mehi-el Mehi-el Mecheyo[-el]
65 Damab-iah Damab-jah Damebe[-yah]
66 Manak-el Menak-el Menuko[-el]
67 Eiai-el Eia-el Aayoea[-el]
68 Habu-iah Habu-jah Chebeva[-yah]
69 Roch-el Roeh-el Reaahe[-el]
70 Jabam-iah Jabam-jah Yobeme[-yah]
71 Hai-el Haiai-el Heyoyo[-el]
72 Mum-iah Mum-jah Mevame[-yah]
In Athanasius Kircher's Oedipus Aegyptiacus there's a table of the 72 names and an appropriate verse from the book of Psalms for each of them, except for the 70th name, which is given the first verse from Genesis. The 70th name is given the first verse from Genesis, which does not contain the 4 letters name of God, but does contain the three letters of the 70th name.
Oedipus Aegyptiacus - the first 5 names of God and an appropriate verse from the book of Psalms
"Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation" Mark 16:15

The BEATITUDES...Bro. David Henz Mejia, Bro. Butch Pascual, Sis. Kareen Ann Rodriguez, Sis. Roxane Sumaya, Sis. Frecian May Suyom, Sis. Shalyn Pascual, Sis. Shiela Hornido(not in the picture)
jULY 14, 2011

NEWLY COMMISSIONED Full pledge Members for Life...Bro. Justin Cadungog, Sis. Alma Urgel, Sis. Ophelia Cortez, Sis. Grace Kandog, Sis. Haynee Baya, Sis. Graziella Cajeta, Sis. Emelyn Castillon, Sis. Yannie Rose Nisnisan, Sis. Joanna Etic

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